11 August 2015

Yes, turn off the mobiles

I have to agree with actor Benedict Cumberbatch, who was angered by mobile device users recoding his stage performance of Hamlet.

Unfortunately, people generally seem to have few manners at any type of live performance these days.

Common practice is to talk during performances and moving in and out of seats to get alcohol.

The same thing goes at sports events.

For the life of me I don't know why some people pay money to attend these events, at which they pay little attention.

Might just be a sign of how short attention spans are becoming. We get bored, we pull out a mobile to check emails.

It's one of the reasons I prefer to watch major sport on TV. I can focus and enjoy without the distraction.

-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

25 June 2015

Government/ASIO PR stunt?

Was yesterday’s filming of terrorist hotspots at ASIO HQ just a government stunt to expand it’s “rule by fear” agenda?

Having worked at top secret level, I can’t see that ASIO would agree to it, despite what PM Abbott said in Parliament today.

Seriously, who would allow filming of classified maps inside our spy-catching organisation? ASIO, that’s who. But of course now it’s revealed the maps weren’t classified.

I now seriously question the judgement of ASIO boss, ex-SASR commander Duncan Lewis, who allowed this to happen.