22 April 2010

Time to blog again

If you noticed, my last blog was in February – more than two months ago. Crikey, what's happened? Answer: I got caught up in Twitter. And for what? What have I got out of Twitter?

The Twitterities will say: "well, you didn't give it a chance". No, I did. It took me several months, but I got 168 followers on @prlab – all carefully handpicked and vetted for their contribution to PR and associated topics.

But, it's friggin' had work, wading through all the dross and drivel that inhabits the Twitterverse. Once you unearth the "diamonds", there can be some learning wealth uncovered. The people I follow, I believe, are all valuable "contacts". And I will keep tabs; just not so regularly.

Twitter has it's place; just that's it's not going to be a priority. I'd rather be able to get across my thoughts in a well thought-out piece, than respond on a whim without much thought.

I do, however, recommend it for sharpening your editing skills. The 140-character limit is great for focusing (and should be for making sure you've got the grammar right – if you're in PR).

If you're not in PR, as I am in my other three persona, that rule goes out the window. Yes, that's right, I've got four Twitter personalities. One is surf-related, one aligned with motorbikes and the other a secret. I can swear on some of those, whereas I wouldn't do that on @prlab.

Before you consign me to the loony bin, consider this: we all have multiple personalities. The way you act at home is probably quite different to the way you are at work, or in different social settings (e.g., the football club, or other organisation you belong to). So why should it be any different on Twitter. These accounts simply reflect my different interests.

Does sound a bit weird, though.