Cane toads and common sense. One has little to do with PR. Correct, cane toads. Common sense, on the other hand, does.
It's why I'm writing about an edict by the WA Department of Environment and Conservation that cane toads are not allowed to be gassed.
The volunteer group Toad Busters is trying to stop to spread of these insidious pests in WA. They do a great job, but are being hampered by the Department's lack of common sense.
Just because people work for the Dept. of Environment & Conservation doesn't mean they're always right.
Cane toads certainly don't conserve anything. I say do what it takes to get rid of this pest and let Toad Busters get on with the job. At least they're doing something.
I lived in Bundaberg years ago and the cane toad situation there was frightening. Just wait until they get to Perth.
Like I said, this has nothing to do with PR, although I guess the Department might consider the "bad media" they are getting.